Thanks to my wonderful cousin, Tina, with
Belle Adorn Jewelry for tagging me! Love You!
Here are the rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading)
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below)
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry or post is up.
6 Random Things About Me:
1.) Six weeks ago, I gave birth to twin boys and ended up with a drug-free vaginal birth AND an emergency c-section. Talk about a double-whammy!
2.) I was born and have lived in Kansas my whole life. Some may find the state of Kansas quite plain and boring, but I, for one, love it here, and wouldn't want to raise my family anywhere else!
3.) I have never been on an airplane. Sad, I know, but I hope to someday soon change this fact!
4.) I am a cancer survivor. In May 2003, I had a mole removed from my thigh that turned out to be melanoma. To date, I haven't had any other suspicious-looking spots pop up, and I hope to keep it that way!
5.) My favorite hobby is photography and digital creations. I love making beautiful, custom party invitations, birth announcements, thank you cards, etc. All my friends love my work, so feel free to inquire! I have lots of examples.
6.) I married my best friend. Dan is not only my husband, but my best friend, as well. Most days, I feel like I have the best husband in the world. He works hard as a State Trooper and feels as strongly about my staying home to raise our kids as I do. When he's not on duty, he's at home with me trying his best to help me in any way that he can - and NEVER, EVER complains! I'm so blessed. = )
I am tagging:
Kathleen, mother of Baby Tyler, a special heart baby
Kim, my favorite writing friend, and a fellow SuperMom
* My friend,
Rebecca, who is more special to me than she knows!
Mindy, a former co-worker and one of my most cherished role-models and mentors
Jenn, a fellow twin mom and valued friend!
Annie, who I miss talking to! We need to catch up, Annie!